Have you found an advert of your dream car online and you have no means to be sure it is exactly as the buyer described in the advert. In some cases similar to yours, people have gotten scammed by deceptive sellers because they did not carry out any form of inspection on the car prior to purchase. After purchase, they got to find a lot of faults which they never knew existed.
It is essential for you to confirm that it is what the seller claims it is and that the bodywork is just as it is in the pictures. Another important thing to be sure of is if the lights work and if there isn’t any leakage in the air, oil, and transmission. You may not be able to carry out an inspection yourself, due to any reason, it could be that you just don’t have the time or maybe the seller is quite far from your location.
This is where Car Pre Purchase Inspection Winnetka CA comes to play. We offer quality and selfless pre-purchase inspection services. It doesn’t matter where the vehicle is located, even if it is located in a different country; we’ve still got you covered. You can count on us to thoroughly inspect the vehicle and give you our review as well as advising you if it is okay to purchase.
What does it cost to get a car pre-purchase inspection and who is supposed to pay?
Despite the fact that you could negotiate with the seller, in general, the cost of inspection will be covered by the buyer, which more often than not ranges from $100-$200. The cost of inspection is dependent on the number of checks done, and this causes the price to vary.
Having a car pre-purchase inspection sets the basis for which purchasing decision is made. The report got from car pre-purchase inspection Winnetka Ca will not only contain information about the history of the vehicle but about its current state as well.