4 Things to Remember When Restoring a Classic Car Wheels
When picturing a classic, all-American Cadillac, you might imagine beaming USA wheels, a gloriously polished body, and an unblemished chrome header panel. Everybody has probably dreamt of owning one of the classics but not everyone has the opportunity to purchase a working or restored car. Most of the time, finding a classic car would mean putting hours of work and money into restoring it. Finding parts depending on the model of your unit could also be an arduous task. That’s why most people who end up with a fully restored classic car, take so much pride in their finished project.
There are many things to consider when working on a classic. You have to take into account how it was originally designed and structured. Most people don’t want to alter anything and would like to keep the vintage look. The body, interior, and engine is usually the focal point because it is initially what typically draws the attention of audiences.
The thing most people seem to neglect, however, are the wheels of the car. Keeping the classic all-American style consistent with your USA wheels is an essential element to the grand allure of your vehicle. But you have to consider not just the looks, but also the performance of your car. Here are a few things to consider when it comes to restoring classic car wheels.
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Fit the Classic Look of the Body With the Wheels
Narrow wheels from the past are around 15 to 16 inches in diameter and can be 6 to 7 inches in width. Pairing these wheels may look good in your vehicle but choosing wheels that are around 17 to19 inches in diameter and 8 to 10 inches in width will optimize the performance of your newly restored classic without sucking the life out of your engine.
Staggered Wheels help Complete the Look
The reason why a lot of classic cars on the street may have a slightly elevated look compared to others is that they took advantage of the staggered stance. Having wider wheels at the rear gives it a more dynamic appearance and helps it maximize its capacity.
Upgrading your Anti-Roll Bars can be a Lifesaver
Upgrading your anti-roll bars not only helps you handle your vehicle better but can also help you in terms of using your car on an intricate course or track. Better anti-roll bars aid your car when tilting or lowering in bigger distances. Not only does your classic showcase that All-American look but it also boasts a more advanced performance capacity.
Consider the Material of your Rims
Having steel wheels may seem reasonable in terms of aesthetics but they are heavier and may cost you more fuel compared to wheels that are available in the market today. Getting aluminum or alloy USA wheels may seem more of a better idea plus it still allows you to keep that classic style without sacrificing performance.
Now that you’re more informed about what you should remember when you restore a classic, it’s also important to note that a restoration project simply does not happen overnight. Finding the right parts and equipment may be labor-intensive but it’s surely a rewarding experience. In the end it’s all about being able to maximize the capacity of your classic car so it can perform better or the same way as modern vehicles.