Want to work with motors as a dream career? We couldn’t agree more. Here are the tope three roles in cars that you probably haven’t thought of yet.
We want everyone to have their dream job. We want everyone to experience that feeling of waking up, going to work, and loving what they do. Unfortunately, we can’t guarantee it for everyone. What we can do is enlighten you as to how working with vehicles could be more interesting than you thought, and hope that we steer you towards the career you have always dreamed of. Whether you are a school leaver or a college leaver, here are some of the best jobs in automobiles that you perhaps haven’t though of yet, to whet your appetite.
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Jobs in Cars You Might Love
If you truly love working with cars, then you will truly love these career opportunities. Work isn’t work when you enjoy it, so let’s find you a role you enjoy.
1 – Auto Engineering
The auto engineer is the person who designs both the cars and the car parts to fix the cars. They design engines, streamline vehicles so they run smoother, go faster, or look better. They are the ones responsible for sleeker engines and NOS injections. The auto engineer earns a tidy sum for working with high end garages to create our favourite vehicles. IT’s like a mechanic but it goes so much farther.
Looking for Engineering Jobs?
If you are looking for jobs in auto engineering – or any other type of engineering – and you live in the UK, a site like Hays can help. You can upload your CV and allow employers to contact you even when you are not online. This doubles your chances of finding work, especially with a career as niche as this.
2 – Auto Body Repair Technician
You’ve heard of these people. They sometimes call them panel beaters because they beat the panels of a vehicle back into shape after accidents. They maintain and repair the integrity of the metalwork of damaged vehicles. These are the car experts who can turn that old Transit van into a van you could live in. They can refurbish old vehicles to make them look sick as new. Auto body repair is highly rewarding for car lovers and doesn’t contain as much mechanical work other garage roles. Best of all, just like mechanics, this job has longevity. People will always bump their cars and need fixes. A job in this area is a lifelong career.
3 – Auto Electrician
So say you are good at computing and you want to mix your knowledge of electronics with your love of cars. This is becoming more and more acceptable in the industry as cars become gradually more advanced. The engine systems are more complex, and we use electrical guidance systems, monitor the engine with electronic tech, and even count on the digital radio to get us through the day. Learn how to fix these things now and you will have a career for the rest of your life. Not bad if you like electronics.