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How To Evaluate If Falling Down Stairs Was Severe?

How To Evaluate If Falling Down Stairs Was Severe?

Trips and falls are amongst the most common causes of death in the U.S. It is common to fall down the stairs, and there can be many reasons behind it. Poor lighting, uneven stairs, and poor handrails are common reasons that may lead to falling on the stairs.

Falling down the stairs can be more serious than one may think. It may affect young children and older adults to a great extent and may lead to fatal injuries. Falling down stairs can even lead to head injuries and hip fractures, which may require medical attention.

Sometimes the injuries are internal and invisible, making it difficult to understand if the damage requires immediate medical attention. Here, we will tell you about whether an injury requires emergency attention and what you should do if you experience such injuries. A Personal injury lawyer can assist you in handling slip and fall accidents and seeking compensation for your losses and damages.

Signs That the Fall is Severe and is an Emergency 

In some instances, it becomes even more critical to head to the emergency department. Here are some signs that the condition is an emergency requiring immediate attention:

These are some examples of emergency cases wherein the patient must be taken to the emergency room as soon as possible. Delaying the treatment could result in dangerous consequences and may become risky for an individual.

What Should you do if you are Alone? 

Whether minor or major injuries, a medical professional should evaluate and treat anyone who has been involved in a slip and fall accident. It can be challenging for an injured person to move and visit the nearest hospital, especially when you are alone. Here are a few things that you may consider if you are alone:

Call out for help and wait until someone reaches you. You can even consider dialing 911. The police and emergency medical professionals will get to the scene quickly and offer you the best help.

When Should you Call a Medical Professional? 

Many patients do not experience bleeding or significant symptoms after a fall accident. That does not mean that you should not see a medical professional. You should visit a medical professional and get yourself treated, even if it is a minor injury. At times when the injuries are internal, they may worsen after some time. You should consider calling a medical professional to understand the root cause of the damage. Not only will this protect your health and well-being, but it documents the injury for a potential future insurance or legal claim.

If you experience any of the following symptoms, you should call a medical professional for help:

These can be signs that your condition is serious and you should seek immediate medical attention to get yourself treated before something worse happens. You can even consider filing a claim against the negligent property owner. If you fall on someone else’s property, you will have the right to make a claim against them for the hazardous stairway. You must have evidence to show that the property owner’s negligence led to your injuries.

You may have the option to file an insurance claim or you can also file a lawsuit against the property owner.

Under a Tort Law theory of negligence, when someone fails to take reasonable care to avoid causing damage or injury to another person, they may be liable to compensate the injured party for their damages. An injured person may be able to recover compensation for expenses like medical bills, lost income, and pain and suffering. If you are able to, you should start gathering evidence that may help you prove the claim.

Evidence might include capturing photos and videos of the area, such as the floor, poor lighting, and the condition of the staircase. You may be able to request closed circuit television (CCTV) footage to prove and support your case. Do not delay. There are statutes of limitations that bar personal injury claims after too many months have passed. Take immediate steps against the negligent property owner to secure compensation. You can obtain assistance from a slip and fall accident lawyer in Philadelphia to navigate through the process. A lawyer will help you take the right steps to win the injury claim.

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